I'm hoping by the time I finish writing this post that I am able to come up with a better title than stomach problems but for now it works.
For the last couple of months I have been dealing with stomach issues/cramps/lower back pain. That isn't very sexy but it's the reality of where I'm at. I think there are one of three things going on or some combination of all 3.
1) There is something physiological going on that is causing the pain.
2) There is some emotional-spiritual something that I haven't addressed
3) I need to change my diet.
The idea that this is something that is emotional-spiritual is not a completely new idea to me but it's something I've only started considering in the last few years. I know that when I focus on relaxing my body that my body calms down it's just at this moment it's not practical for me to stay focused on keeping myself relaxed 24/7. It seems similar to where I was with the toxic thoughts 8 months ago.
I'm going to pray for the willingness to change my diet I'm going to practice mindfullness and I'm going to meditate on my pain and breath into it and see what happens.
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