Monday, April 14, 2014

Trapped under water

I was a water baby growing up, as a got older I spent every moment I could in the water. There was something about the feel of diving under the water and swimming as far as my breath could carry me before popping up and gasping for air feeling like I almost drown, that made me feel free and alive.

Under water there was no one judging me, I didn't have to think about the right things to say or how to answer I just got to be alone with my thoughts.  I was lucky enough to spend part of my childhood living on the water, so that meant I could spend all day every day in the water during the summer.

I don't remember how old I was the first time I felt like I almost drown.   This was different then when I swam by myself, it was at a party and I remember feeling like I was sure that I was going to die.  

At parties we always brought out this inflatable toy called a fun island, it was 5 ft diameter circle with ropes around the edge to help you climb up.  The other kids and I would take this raft out in the water and climb up On it and see who could push who off first and be king/queen of the island.

One time I don't know how it happened but I got trapped underneath the island.  The problem was that the island wasn't anchored so it was moving and I got disoriented and couldn't figure out which was to go so that I wasn't swimming with the island.  I remember feeling extremely panicked, I was sure that I was going to die.  The next memory I have is of coming up for air and gasping and trying to figure out what had happened and seeing that no one else even noticed that I had been trapped under there. 

I was in the water but I think I remember crying and getting myself out of the water.  I went to my dad very upset and I remember him giving me a squeeze and saying "well, just stop and swim the opposite direction next time".  

Writing this I'm realizing that this event may be a big reason why I'm scared of scuba diving.  I never really liked the idea of having a limited amount of oxygen.  Maybe I'll need to tackle that fear some day soon, that would be a fun vacation.

The Change

It's been a little over 5 months since my last post on this blog and my world couldn't be more different. 

My husband and I moved to a different state, I've grown more than I could ever have imagined, I'm no longer taking any medications and I feel like for the first time in my life I am in charge of my feelings and emotions.  

I am no longer controlled by emotions and feeling I don't understand.  When things happen to shake me I know how to pull myself together, talk to friends, look for comfort in something bigger then myself and remember to take big deep breaths.  

I have come so far and yet now I accept that my journey will never be over and I was always be changing.  Change is something that is no longer a fear but an exciting adventure.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I have faith that everything will be ok in the end, if it's not ok, it's not the end.